Le Mon, May 10, 1999 at 07:06:58PM +0200, Richard Braakman écrivait:
>   * perl 5.005
> I've been assured that a working upgrade plan now exists and is being
> worked on, one that will not involve recompiling a lot of packages.
> I'll still be happier if perl 5.005 is introduced at the start of
> the next release cycle, though.  There's a lot of perl code in Debian
> that hasn't been tested with the new version.

I've been working with the previous perl5.005 package (the one that had
been uploaded to slink and retracted after) and I did not have many 
problems. Many of them were only paths problems (that may not appear with the
official perl5.005 package). And I've already filled
some bugs against netbase and netstd so that the packages do not break
when perl5.005 is uploaded. Some other packages may need little changes
but that would not be a problem.

I'll propose myself as coordinator for the perl5.005 upgrade (you did explain
that you wanted a coordinator for each release goal).

>   debian-release mailing list:
> I think this is a good idea, and I will certainly join such a list.

I'll join too.

> A Debian 2.1r3 release should be made soon, to fix a number of 
> outstanding bugs.  I'll write a separate mail about this.

I hope that you'll include my NMU of dpkg. It didn't get installed into
stable-updates so far ...

Raphaël Hertzog >> 0C4CABF1 >> http://prope.insa-lyon.fr/~rhertzog/

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