
Ship's Log, Lt. Jason Gunthorpe, Stardate 120599.2134:
> Hi all,
> I have been doing some reasearch here and I have been able to determine
> that right now GPG represents (with the non-free RSA and IDEA modules) a
> functional replacement for PGP 2.x for both checking signatures and
> creating signatures.
> It is remarkably easy to do, I am surprised that someone else has not
> mentioned it.. Put this in your .gnupg/options file:
> load-extension rsa
> load-extension idea
> keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.pgp
> keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg
> keyring /home/jgg/.pgp/pubring.pgp
> secret-keyring /home/jgg/.pgp/secring.pgp

oops .. have you looked at the debian gpg?
It is actually a script callin gpg.gnupg (the binary) with exactly these
options (except the debian-keyring)

Alexander N. Benner   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #Ixthys #Darmstadt #LinuxGer
The grit in your eye soon enters your heart            Anne Clark
And all that was strength is just falling apart
We're jumping from one bed and into another            SELF DESTRUCT
Searching for something that we'll never discover      Joined Up Writing

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