On Fri, 14 May 1999, David Bristel wrote:

> My own reasons for wanting these updates in there is that we go
> frozen, and then a major release comes out.  Suddenly, Debian
> may be more stable, but MAJOR packages are out of date.

Andrew D Lenharth wrote:

> I agree, I would like to see a system where major releases and minor
> releases exist.  (No, we really do not have this as I envision it).  The
> major releases would be the base system and libraries
> (libc, X, kernel, compilers, etc) and the minor releases would be much
> more frequent and only be non critical stuff (window managers, apps).

This is quite different.  David said he wanted MAJOR packages
included in the updates (e.g. X).  You said you agreed, yet you
talked of _only_ minor apps being upgraded.

I be happier seeing a new X in proposed-updates if it's package
maintainer were happier with it than the one currently in stable.


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