On Sun, May 16, 1999 at 10:15:48PM +0200, Massimo Dal Zotto wrote:
> Hi,
> The /etc/init.d/network script created by the debian installation is very
> simple and not flexible enough if you need to manage complex networks with
> many interfaces.
> I have written a generic network interface management command, net, which
> can be used to start/stop/show/configure network interfaces, and a smarter
> replacement for the /etc/init.d/network script.
> The net command makes use of configuration files stored in /etc/network/
> which contain the various interface options. For example my eth0 is:
>   # /etc/network/eth0
> The command can be used in the following ways (more info in the man page):
>   # Start the network, typically from init(8)
>   net start
>   # Start some specific interfaces
>   net start eth0 eth1:0
>   # Start an interface with command-line options
>   net start -i eth0 -a -n \
>       -b -m
>   # Stop all the interfaces, typically from init(8)
>   net stop
>   # Stop some specific interfaces
>   net stop lo eth0
>   # Restart the network
>   net restart
>   # Restart a specific interface
>   net restart eth1
>   # Show network status
>   net status
>   # Same as above (default action)
>   net
>   # Show the status of a specific interface
>   net status eth1
>   # Create or modify an interface configuration file
>   net config eth0
> The advantage is that you can now start/stop specific interfaces with simple
> commands using predefined configs, while the old script could only be used
> to start the entire network and couldn't stop or restart it or part of it.
> The new /etc/init.d/network script just calls the /usr/sbin/net command,
> which does all the real work, with the proper args, just start or stop, and
> all the configuration options are now stored as separate config files.
> The package can be installed over an slink system because the preinst script
> can convert automatically the old network file to the new eth0 config.
> The package is available at the following location:
>   http://www.cs.unitn.it/~dz/debian/net_1.0-1_all.deb
> Please have a look and see if it can added to the main debian distribution.
> -- 
> Massimo Dal Zotto
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> |  Massimo Dal Zotto               email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |
> |  Via Marconi, 141                phone: ++39-0461534251              |
> |  38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN)      www: http://www.cs.unitn.it/~dz/  |
> |  Italy                             pgp: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

So what is the big difference between your tool and ifconfig? Seems you
get the same results and you don't save a lot of work... Please provide
more details on benifits of your tool.

Even more amazing was the realization that God has Internet access.  I
wonder if He has a full newsfeed?
        -- Matt Welsh

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