On Wed, 19 May 1999, Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote:

>       Notably, I'm going to be writing it in C++. This will add about 270k
> to the boot disks' root image, but as the floppy install methods are for the
> most part phasing out under the shadow of easier methods, I'm not going to
> lose any sleep over this. libstdc++ can be minimized for static linkage
> anyway.
>       Why C++? Well, personally, I have been seeing all of these
> applications pop recently that are for package management, aside from dpkg.
> Examples include dconfig and apt. Other ideas have been floating about, like
> source dependencies and binary diffs.

Specifically what features of C++ are you planning on using?

> I will pursue it, and let the chips fall where they may.

Good luck.
                                                        - Tom

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