 > > extern "C" void
 > > Base_cleanup (void *object, void *)
 > > {
 > >   Base::cleanup (object, 0);
 > > }
 > > 
 > > Simple. :-)
 > Perhaps, but not clean. And doesn't make sense in this particular case...
 > Remember the rule of the Ockham's Razor???? I think it should be obeyed
 > here...

What's not clean about it?  It's a very simple wrapper?  Also, what
doesn't make sense?  It has been taken out of context so you don't know
what it is used for but it conveys the general idea, I think.  I'm
afraid I don't recall what Ockham's Razor says. :-)  Could you please
let me know?

Ossama Othman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Center for Distributed Object Computing, Washington University, St. Louis
58 60 1A E8 7A 66 F4 44  74 9F 3C D4 EF BF 35 88  1024/8A04D15D 1998/08/26

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