On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 07:09:28AM -0700, Tyger Sunshine-Hill wrote:
> >RH isn't "competition" to debian except in the most positive sense of
> >friendly rivalry.  We have different aims, different goals.  Their
> >goal is to produce and market a linux distribution which keeps their
> >company financially viable.  Our goal is to produce a distribution
> >which does what we want with entirely free software.  Sometimes these
> >goals co-incide or complement each other. sometimes they don't.  They
> >certainly don't conflict or harm each other.
> Well, maybe, but the fact is that Debian could use some sponsorships or 
> major donations, and as long as RH keeps the spotlight, guess who they go 
> to? Eventually, we have to get Debian out of its shell and get "the average 
> linux user" (If there is such a thing) to use Debian more. If we don't, what 
> is the point of pouring so much work into making such a useful and 
> _flexible_ distribution?

First question:  If some major cash was donated to Debian, what would we
do with it?  Seriously, do we have a purpose for it, or would we just
re-donate it to other projects?  Sure that might look good for a story on
Slashdot, but I'm more interested in making headlines for Debian because
we actually accomplished something cool rather than making them just to
make the average Slashdot reader think that Debian is as good as Redhat.

Sure PR is important, but I think we should be working harder to target
our PR to the people it will do the most good.

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            Debian GNU/Linux developer
PGP: E8D68481E3A8BB77 8EE22996C9445FBE            The Source Comes First!
<james> abuse me.  I'm so lame I sent a bug report to

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