Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 08:25:17PM +1000, Daniel James Patterson wrote:
> > On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 02:50:38AM -0700, Chris Waters wrote:

> > > I think an interesting approach would be to use CORBA.  Make dpkg into
> > > a networkable server for polymorphic package objects!  G'wan, I dare
> > > ya!  :-)

> > I don't see why not.

> How about "it's complete overkill"?

Sure, and without complete overkill, how will we take full advantage
of the second-system effect?  :-)

> I don't see anything in the Debian packaging system which fits
> OO very well at all. We have just one type of package; there are no
> special sub-types, for example.

Then you're not looking very carefully.  "It's overkill" may turn out
to be a valid objection, but "it couldn't benefit from OO" is, IMO,
completely false.  Elisp packages spring to mind.  We *do* have
different classes of package; we just force them all into the same
Chris Waters   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I have a truly elegant proof of the
      or    [EMAIL PROTECTED] | above, but it is too long to fit into
http://www.dsp.net/xtifr     | this .signature file.

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