On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 10:07:09PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
> I have just one question to you - have you read the ENTIRE thread??? Or just
> several lines? If so, then please go back AND READ IT. Only then you have a
> right to jump upon me like that. Before you joined the discussion, we were
> DISCUSSING matters, now we're FIGHTING and flaming each other. Thank you.

What is there to discuss with you?  Your entire position can be boiled down
to a paraphrase of Henry Ford:

"You can rewrite dpkg in any language you want, as long as it's C."

You've made your point clear.  You (and Marcus, to a large degree) have
become completely sidetracked by arguing tiresome C++ pros and cons.

But Marcus also grasps that He Who Writes the Code Makes the Rules.

I'm sorry it offends your aesthetic that Aaron plans to reimplement dpkg in
C++.  But it is not your decision to make.

The best support you can provide for your arguments is to redesign and
reimplement the Debian packaging system yourself (or with people you
recruit to the task).  So get to work.

If you reply to this message, do not be surprised if I don't to yours.

G. Branden Robinson              |    A committee is a life form with six or
Debian GNU/Linux                 |    more legs and no brain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           |    -- Robert Heinlein
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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