gtk-doc is a collection of tools in the GNOME CVS area- gtkdoc-mkdb,
gtkdoc-mkhtml, gtkdoc-mkman etc., and one dsssl stylesheet.

The gtk-doc tools appear to extract embedded documentation from GNOME
source files and convert them to DocBook format (which reminds me a
lot of javadoc). The mkman mkhtml etc. tools use jade and
docbook-stylesheets to produce display formats.

gtk-doc is architecture independent. copyright: GPL.


gtk-doc is the upstream name, but a more distinct name may be
preferred to distinguish it from gtk+-docs, libgtk1.2-doc, gnome-docu,
gnome-dev-info... Perhaps "gtk-doc-tools" ? Maybe keep the source
called gtk-doc and call the binary gtk-doc-tools... Suggestions welcome.

Steve Haslam               Debian GNU/Linux               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gnome-libs, gnome-core, gnome-control-center, gdm, p3nfs.    what, me worry?

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