> Illo de' Illis wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, May 19, 1999 at 09:12:29AM -0700, Dean Carpenter wrote:
> > > Now during installation, the exim preinst and postinst scripts would
> > > source the install-response file, creating the variables with the
> > > responses they need.  At this point, it's just as if they've asked the
> > > questions and retrieved the user responses.  If a particular response
> > > variable doesn't exist in the install-response file, the script can
> > > still prompt just like normal, though this ruins the effect.
> > 
> > Hmm... and, if we run dselect, dpkg, apt-get or whatever it is without any
> > system-wide configuration script, it could generate a skeleton file with the
> > user's answers logged. This way we should be able to carefully configure the
> > first machine, cut away the variable configuration fields from the generated
> > configuration script, and feed the rest of the machines with it.
> Or better yet, modify the variable parameters for each system, and get 
> complete auto installs.  :)  I'd use this allot to generate "identical"
> systems that vary only in name and IP.
> I like the idea of a system install prompt answer file.  If parameters 
> that are common to many packages get common names that all packages 
> could share, this could even work better.  It would also be nice to 
> allow some conditional parsing, possibly on the level of a simple C 
> preprocessor, but that isn't needed for the initial versions.
> One of the main reasons I would like to have this ability is for 
> rebuilds of a system.  If you save the configuration file off to 
> floppy, then you can rebuild the system quickly to the same state 
> of your initial load.
> A possible format for variables would be:
>   <package>__<variable_name>: "<value>"
> For a line that would look like:
>   Apache_SSL__webmaster: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Notes: Convert "-" in package names to "_".  The "__" (double 
> underscore) is for separating package name and variable name parts.  
> If package name isn't needed as in the definition of a globally 
> used value, then the "__" isn't used, and just the variable name 
> is used.  Use quoting that is compatible with bash.
> If a common set of bash shell functions and C functions are 
> created, then programs could easily open and read the 
> configuration in.  Then when they want to prompt for a value, 
> the call the prompt function which looks up to see if it's 
> already set.  It then uses that value, or it prompts.  I see
> three main functions, load, prompt, and save.  Load reads in 
> set of values.  Prompt searches for a value in the loaded set, 
> if not found it prompts for the value.  Save dumps the set of 
> vales out to a file if anything changed.
> If in the above example there wasn't a definition for 
> "Apache_SSL__webmaster", but there is a definition for 
> "webmaster", then a call by the Apache-SSL configuration 
> script would retrieve the value set for "webmaster".
> There is a potential problem with package upgrades invalidating 
> values sets.  For this I propose that when the file is generated, 
> the package sets a variable with 
>   <package>__Version: "<package_version>".  
> For a line that would look like:
>   Apache_SSL__Version: "1.3.6"
> When a package reads in the settings, it can check the version 
> tag to check for value set compatibility.
> I'd volunteer time to work on this, but I'm embroiled in finding 
> a way to compress the Tiger map data onto one CD.
> -- 
> |  Bryan Andersen   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://softail.visi.com   |
> | Buzzwords are like annoying little flies that deserve to be swatted. |
> |   -Bryan Andersen                                                    |
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm working on an automatic installation tool. It as almost working.
I will post more information in the following days. The basic idea
is to record automatically all the answers given during the first
installation and retrieve them from a db when installing identical

Massimo Dal Zotto

|  Massimo Dal Zotto               email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |
|  Via Marconi, 141                phone: ++39-0461534251              |
|  38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN)      www: http://www.cs.unitn.it/~dz/  |
|  Italy                             pgp: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |

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