* "Marek" == Marek Habersack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Marek> Also, wouln't it be cleaner if the postinst for this package
Marek> added an appropriate alias to the /etc/profile and/or
Marek> /etc/csh.cshrc (and possibly other global shell startup
Marek> scripts) an alias definition, or a function to call mc in a way
Marek> which would preserve the exit path of mc?

No, directly changing files part of other packages is not allowed by

Marek> a command from within mc or just does Ctrl-O another subshell
Marek> is invoked by MC - that's three copies of bash for one run of
Marek> MC.

No, ^o doesn't open a new shell. If you just start mc, you get 

 6832 ttyp8    S      0:00              |       \_ bash /usr/bin/mc 
 6833 ttyp8    S      0:00              |           \_ /usr/bin/mc.real -P
 6835 ttyp5    S      0:00              |               \_ bash -rcfile .bashrc

^o doesn't change a thing.

Starting a program (wether in the for- or background) just adds this
programm like in 

 6832 ttyp8    S      0:00              |       \_ bash /usr/bin/mc
 6833 ttyp8    S      0:00              |           \_ /usr/bin/mc.real -P
 6835 ttyp5    S      0:00              |               \_ bash -rcfile .bashrc
 6844 ttyp5    S      0:01              |                   \_ wxftp


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