On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Fabien Ninoles wrote:

> What should be good is a new state saying that a package has been
> install by the dependencies check rather than by user direct selection.
> So, the package will stay as long as it resolved a dependency, but
> be remove when no more package who depends on it is install, on a
> dpkg --remove --pending.
> How sould we implement it? That's the big discussion: IMHO, this should
> be add to dpkg along with hold, installed, upgrade, purge, etc. Other
> think that dpkg is not the right tool for such a feature and this
> should be handle by apt.
I havn't the faintest idea how to implement this but this would
be a feature which I would really like and which I missed several
times.  It would be great if this could be implemented in any case.

Kind regards


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