I've sent this to the debian-devel list because I've tried to add some
clarification to my suggestions, in case they were unclear to others (it seems
they may have been).

Note that none of my suggestions are in any way negative criticisms. debconf
looks incredibly useful as it is, and I just had some thoughts I wanted to

So, let me clarify my suggestions:

1) This was a suggestion relating to package management (through dpkg, only
   indirectly to debconf). I'm suggesting a ConfigScript parameter in the
   package control file, so that debconf's hacks (Joey's term) are not
   necessary. This suggestion was aimed at dpkg more than debconf.

2) I think I presented this suggestion backwards. According to debconf's docs,
   a user will be prompted for the answer to a question only if they haven't
   already answered that question, and only new questions will be presented.
   I'm suggesting there be a way for a user to over-ride this behaviour and
   completely reconfigure a package if they want. Am I still missing something
   in the docs? Is this already possible?

3) I see I missed the substitution capability during my first read of the
   docs. Sorry about that. But the rest of this suggestion is still valid, in
   that I'm looking for a way to repackage a package with whatever new
   defaults I want. Again, this may not be related directly to debconf, but
   perhaps needs to be implemented in dpkg-repack.

My apologies for the lack of clarity in my original email. I hope I have made
my suggestions more clear now.

> > Looking for a husband? Know anyone looking for a husband? Well, I'm looking
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> I didn't follow the URL to see if this is a joke, but if it is not, you do
> not know what powers of restraint it requires to stay away from THIS fish
> hook.

Hey, don't knock it :) It's been working, and I've been meeting people.

Scott Barker       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Consultant   http://www.mostlylinux.ab.ca/scott

Looking for a husband? Know anyone looking for a husband? Well, I'm looking
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   - Sean O'Casey

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