On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 07:51:47AM +0200, Anders Arnholm wrote:
> You mean having to dive into almost every perl script (not Linux
> developed) and change #!/usr/local/bin/perl to #!/usr/bin/perl

It is unfortunate, but the popular usage (ie, #!/usr/local/bin/perl) is
wrong.  /usr/bin/perl has always been the cannonical location of perl.  The
perl Configure script will default to creating a link from wherever you
install the binary to /usr/bin.  The first edition of the Camel book even
recommended doing unpleasant things to the local system administrator if
/usr/bin/perl didn't exist; unfortunately this is not in the second edition,
for what reason I do not know.

I suggest kindly pointing this out to those who start their scripts with


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