On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:

> Why even involve debhelper?  At least in the case of the Project Gutenberg
> files some of which I have, they are just long ascii files so the rules
> file could just stick them into (for example) /usr/share/doc/etexts call
> doc-base and be done with it.  AFAIK all the project Gutenberg files are
> public domain so one generic fill in the blanks copyright file would
> suffice.  Voila you almost instantly have 2000 works containing more than
> a gig of text.
> I'd buy  such a CD if it were offered.  And I know plenty of people who
> would too.

I would, too.

But I don't see the need to *package* large ascii files. What would be
the difference between Gutenberg Debian-packaged and Gutenberg gzipped on
CD or ftp?

There *is* a difference for documents that require some technical setup
to work (like the kjv-bible that needs a special viewer program) or are
processed by other programs (like verse).

Bj"orn Brill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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