On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 12:58:08AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have a small network @Home and use dhcp to dole out the ip's, I use
> the dhcp-dns package so that I can refer to these boxen by name and
> so that various network utilities will work. Recently I've started
> getting emails to root from Cron saying "update packet failed".

have you recently upgraded to the latest bind in potato (8.2.1-1 or

if so, then you need to be aware that the config file location changed
from /etc/named.conf to /etc/bind/named.conf, and the zonefiles
in /var/named now live in /var/cache/bind. make sure you edit
/etc/bind/named.conf to include everything that was in /etc/named.conf

BTW, your message should have been submitted as a bug report and not
posted to debian-devel. debian-devel is for issues related to debian
development, not user support.

craig (package maintainer for dhcp-dns)

craig sanders

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