In Wed, 8 Mar 2000 11:10:11 -0500, de profundis Michael Stone <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> cum veritas scribat

mstone> Are you really convinced that the security of a 1023 bit key is so much
mstone> worse than the security of a 1024 bit key that any amount of effort
mstone> necessary to transition to a new 1024 bit key is justified? In the

Isn't it that to decrypt 1024 key takes double the amount of
CPU time than decrypting 1023 key, as long as there is no other
method than brute-force method of trying every combination.

IMO It is a serious security issue, when the system is half as secure
and one is not notified. And the person is trying to use a ssh.

dancer, a.k.a. Junichi Uekawa
 Dept. of Knowledge Engineering and Computer Science, Doshisha University.
... Long Live Free Software, LIBERTAS OMNI VINCIT.

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