
I've packed gnofract, a small gnome fractal generating program. I am not
a debian developer yet, so I'll need a sponsor to upload this package.
Futhermore, this is my first Debian package, so I'd appriciate it if
somebody would check whether the package is all right and whether I did
everything ok. 

Gnofract is written by Aurélien Alleaume, it's homepage is at
http://www.multimania.com/mason, and it is licenced under the GPL.
I've put the packages on http://medeia.dhs.org/~bas/Debian/gnofract/

Package: gnofract
Version: 0.2-1
Section: x11
Priority: optional
Installed-Size: 88
Description: a simple gnomish fractal browser
 gnofract is a gnome fractal browser. It lets you zoom in to and move
 through fractals.


``As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not
certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.''
                                                         Albert Einstein

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