I'm using leafnode 1.6.2-3 in slink 2.1r5.
It segfaults in many unpredictable cases.
An example:

storing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: alt.folklore.computers
..as article 483 in alt.folklore.computers
alt.folklore.computers: receiving article 132929 (108 more up in the air)
unable to store article
/var/spool/news/message.id/669/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Segmentation fault

...or often during the connection to a server. I can't repeat this problem
and I don't know why. Does anybody have this problem or know about it?

Thanks and bye

| Christian Surchi           | www.firenze.linux.it/~csurchi    | www. |       
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]          | [EMAIL PROTECTED]       | gnu. | 
| FLUG: www.firenze.linux.it | Debian GNU/Linux: www.debian.org | org  | 
If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith.   -- Albert Einstein

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