On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 03:04:26PM +0000, Paul M Sargent wrote:
> > > If the kernel isn't even in the archive then potential problems aren't
> > > going to be found.
> > 
> > I wouldn't put that much `weight' in the fact that kernel is in the archive:
> > kernel packages don't get upgraded to new upstream versions, so if you want
> > a new kernel, you have to make the decision to install it, on your own.
> But don't you think it's good to have the base system in place as soon as
> possible for a new development cycle. It's putting a stake in the ground. If
> somebody sees kernel-image-2.3.58 in the archive then it suggests they
> should be giving it a go.

Hm, yes, I agree, it has a psycological effect. OTOH, maybe we don't want to
put that stake into the ground until potato has been released, for obvious

enJoy -*/\*- don't even try to pronounce my first name

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