On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 08:20:48AM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 09:59:20AM -0500, Alex Yukhimets wrote:
> > _please_ don't do it. It will be utterely confusing to find everything in a
> > new place. As a person who does X development writing -I/usr/X11R6/include
> > is an idiom. So as for many people. /usr itself is cluttered more then 
> > enough.
> You can still write -I/usr/X11R6/include, it doesn't matter if it's not used.
> I say go for it. /usr/X11R6 sticks out like a sore thumb.

Yeah, I can write, but what is the effect of that?
I often find myself in the position when I use X libraries (Xt mostly)
built by myself with some changes to allow debugging of my Xt widgets.
I install new libs and headers in another directory and -I/this/new/dir 
and -L/that/new/dir allows for compilation and linkage with new version.
If libs are in /usr/lib and headers in /usr/include (default locations)
then this would not work. I just don't understand why you should make
my life (of the programmer) more difficult with no benefits whatsoever?
(Well, some think that there is an aestetic benefit which I just can't see -
if you pile up everything in /usr/lib - what's so good  about it?
It is like refusing to make subdirectories in your home dir and have a total
mess in it.)
X is a very important, I would even say unique package,  - it deserves 
different treatment after all. There is no other software package with 
even close complexity and size.


Alex Y.
 _( )_
(     (o___           +-------------------------------------------+
 |      _ 7           |            Alexander Yukhimets            |
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  /     \ \           +-------------------------------------------+

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