On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 09:35:35AM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:

> You have 3 RCB open against your packages (11, 25 and 21 days old),   

right. one of them for a package (spamdb) which doesn't even exist
anymore so it's a bit difficult to see how it could be "release

two of them for the same package (vtun). again, they hardly seem
"release critical"

i haven't yet decided what to do about vtun. i'll probably get around
to upgrading it to the latest version one day, but i made a mistake
packaging it in the first place - i thought it would be useful, but i
don't even use it any more.

it's not a particularly important package (both cipe and tunnelv do a
much better job of the same kind of thing) and it would be small loss
to debian if it happened to get dropped from frozen while i'm taking my
time deciding what to do.

if anyone cares enough about vtun to adopt the package or do an NMU
before i get around to it, feel free.

> And you also have 50 other bugs to correct on your little packages. 

the bulk of those are for spamdb, which doesn't exist any more - it's
obsolete (and i gave over a year's warning that i was going to orphan it
- nobody cared enough about it to bother adopting it in that time).

most of the rest have actually been fixed, but i must have got the BTS
syntax wrong when closing the bugs in the changelog.


craig sanders

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