Andreas Schuldei wrote:
> In fact I am working on an minimal debian (-based) system.
> I am building an embedded system which tries to be as small as possible.
> I started with the linux router project, took some parts from the
> bootfloppys and wrote some Makefiles to take essential Binaries etc out
> of my running potato.
> Right now (since half an hour) I have a 2.2.14 kernel, glibc-2.1.3,
> busybox plus some other stuff in 1382 Kbytes (unpacked) in the ramdisk.
> (this does not count the kernel, of cause.
> It is booted from floppy, where it takes 905 kbyte alltogether.
> It should be easyly adaptable and is modular by design (like lrp is).

I'm interested.  I'd like to be able to make a boot disk with ntfs &
vfat support so I can use it as a rescue disk for hosed windows boxes.

Ideally, I'd like to see a shell script that asks what network card the
target box uses and creates a new rescue floppy with just that module.

CREOL System Administrator

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