On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 11:12:37AM +0100, Martijn van de Streek wrote:
> Hi Rodrigo!
> On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Rodrigo Castro wrote:
> > get the key displayed. It works as a dead key, waiting for any other
> > key. When I do type other key, it beeps and I get no output on
> > screen. I reinstalled bash, libncurses5, libc6 and already trying
> > changing my keymap, but I wasn't sucessful. I am getting crazy. 
> Did you look at your ~/.inputrc file?

Yes. I even created a new user with no .inputrc and no $INPUTRC (no
.bashrc, .bash_profile too). I don't know what kind of stuff could be
in my files to screw up only letter E. The problem occurs in console and in
xterm. :-(

Rodrigo Castro   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computer Science undergraduate student - University of Sao Paulo

I do not fear computers.  I fear the lack of them.
                -- Isaac Asimov

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