Hi dear co-developers,

we're so many developers that's it's getting difficult to know us each
other and even more difficult to know our respective habits concerning the
way we're doing our Debian job.

I think that we need a page (possibly a cgi or a page automatically updated
once a day) that would give the maximum of information concerning one
maintainer. This would include :
- information from the LDAP db (name, email, last seen on ...)
- information about the NMU policy that the maintainer has adopted
  (timeframe before a NMU is allowed, do i need an authorization to do a
  nmu ?, ...)
- the list of packages he's maintaining (yes some maintainer forget
  that they're maintaining some packages) with up-to-date statistics for
  each package (number of important/normal/wishlist bugs,
  standards-version that it does follow, last upload)
- a link to the personnal bug page
- any other information that may be suitable for such a page like
  the latest news that must be read by Debian developers (think
  about debian-devel-announce)

With this system, each developer can add his own page on one of his
bookmark and from time to time he can check what he's responsible for and
what he should do in one look. And anyone can check the page of any
developer before doing a NMU, he would be able to see the NMU policy, the
time when the maintainer was last seen in Debian and so on ... it's also a
good way to evaluate the quality of the work one is doing for Debian.

I may be volunteering to work (one day) on something like that but I fear
that i'll run into problems since I need to get information from various
sources (ldap, bts, packages). Any idea/comment acepted.

Raphaël Hertzog >> 0C4CABF1 >> http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/
<pub> CD Debian : http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/debian/#cd
      Formations Linux et logiciels libres : http://www.logidee.com </pub>

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