On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 05:32:13PM +0100, Edward Betts wrote:

Did this message mess with GnuPG on any one else's system?
I had to kill gpg (1.0.1-2) to get mutt to continue, and then
I got 
[-- PGP output follows --]
Good signature from ...
gpg: waiting for lock (hold by 829 - probably dead) ...
gpg: waiting for lock (hold by 829 - probably dead) ...
gpg: waiting for lock (hold by 829 - probably dead) ...
gpg: waiting for lock (hold by 829 - probably dead) ...
gpg: waiting for lock (hold by 829 - probably dead) ...
gpg: waiting for lock (hold by 829 - probably dead) ...
[-- End of PGP output --]

GnuPG bug or local configuration problem?

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Only a nerd would worry about wrong parentheses with
square brackets. But that's what mathematicians are.
   -- Dr. Burchard, math professor at OSU

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