On Mon, Aug 14, 2000 at 07:42:05PM -0300, Frank Smith wrote:

> > Hi,
> > the entire gnu develoopnet environment is ported to the avr 
> > arcitecture and
> > runs nicely under debian. Currently all that excists as debian 
> > packages are
> > a few asmeblers and programmers. I intend to create the following debain
> > packages:
> > 
> >   avr-binutils
> >   avr-gcc
> >   avr-libc
> >   avr-monitor (code monitor used by gdb)
> >   avr-gdb
> >   avr-devenviron (contains dependencies on all the packagses you 
> > need to get
> >                   a full featured development evironment for the 
> > avr as well
> >                   as some simple examples and a readme to get started)
> As part of the Embedded Debian Project (see http://www.emdebian.org) I've 
> made modifications to the binutils and gcc source packages to support the 
> building of cross compilation environments.
> Perhaps there is some overlap here?  Check out the web site and let me
> know how you feel.  I'm interested in seeing the Embedded Debian project
> support more targets.

It seems like your version of the binutils and gcc packages with the
addition of an avr target is exaktly what I want (I don't suppose that would
be very hard, would it?). Why are those not made part of debian as the 
official debian binutils and gcc packages and we could have all targets 
of interest built from the same source?

After a closer look at the gcc patch it seems that what it does is simply to
add a avr target, which means that it should be possible to compile for the
other targets even after it is applied. This has to be verified ofcourse.
The patch is availible at:


Hakan Ardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://master.debian.org/~hakan

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