On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 02:26:33PM +0100, Chris Ball wrote:

hey Chris,
> Hi, to all, and congrats on the potato release.
> I've been browsing cdimage. Do we release a base system as a 30/40-ish meg
> ISO that can network to enable apt handling retrieval of anything else? One
> would be really useful to me, and I'm sure to others too. The base packages
> (for floppies etc) aren't always so easy or convienient, and I think an ISO
> image would be a really good way to show the power of apt-get etc.

I don't know of such an image either. 
Wasn't there an ISO for a slink base-system once? As I just 
installed debian using the boot-floppies (and not the full ISOs)  on 
one of my computers, I think there should be such an ISO for potato, too.    

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