
I just have some weird problems to make my uploaded inofficial deb-packages
apt-getable. The referring site is http://www.bechly.de/debian/. I had all
five Debian packages in a local directory called 'debian' and correctly run
dpkg-scanpackages on it. After adjusting my apt sources.list it was no problem 
at all to access the local directory with the Packages.gz file with apt-get or 
dselect. I then uploaded the complete directory to my website via ftp (binary 
mode). Now I can access the site with 'apt-get update' without errors, but as 
soon as I use 'apt-get install foo' the package foo is downloaded but the 
installation fails with the error 'Size mismatch'.
I checked the referring manpages and docs, and several Debian books, and
did not find the slightest clue (therefore PLEAAASE no RTFMs).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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