On 13 Aug 2000 at 18:20 (+0200), Allan Jacobsen wrote:
| Hi
| I have been using debian for more than 4 years now and I have
| finaly talked my boss into trying debian instead of redhat
| for our servers, that we install in hotels all over europe.
| I have been reading most of the dokumentation on making .deb
| pakages, but most of it is how to package foreign source that
| anyone should be able to recompile.
| Our buildtree is totally incompatible with this, so I have been
| looking for a few simple scripts to package the bin and conf 
| files to make a usable deb package.
| I read somewhere that I could unpack a deb my using 
| "ar x package.deb", and the format looks reasonably simple
| with the 3 files, where data.tar.gz should be untared in /
| and the control files and scripts are in control.tar.gz
| Does any of you have some suggestions ?

take a look at: 

I can't comment on its suitability to a newbie-packager, because I'm
just now reading it too, but it looks like a fairly low-overhead
tutorial from a cursory glance.


Damon Brent Verner                        o      _     _         _
Cracker JackŪ Surprise Certified  _o     /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
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