Package: debian-policy
Severity: wishlist

On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 10:25:28AM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Mike Markley wrote:
> > A dependency on non-us will also land a package in contrib.
> I think there was a proposal to change that, so that packages which depend
> on packages in non-US/main remain in non-US/main.

Actually, there doesn't seem to be such a proposal; there just seems to
be your (accepted) proposal to make both main and non-US/main part of
the Debian distribution.

So, let's fix that.

The principle: packages that are DFSG-free, depend on packages in
non-US/main, but are otherwise candidates for main should go into
non-US/main also. That way they're still a part of the official
distribution, but they don't come up as uninstallables for the poor
deprived US folks.

Here's a sample wording change.  It incorporates the accepted change
from #62946. It's not entirely clear where contrib packages that don't
include crypto, but Depend: on software that does (from non-US/*) would
go in the following, probably.

--- policy.text.orig    Wed Aug 16 19:29:04 2000
+++ policy.text Wed Aug 16 20:00:31 2000
@@ -196,9 +196,11 @@
      but not every package we want to make accessible is _free_ in our
      sense (see Debian Free Software Guidelines, below), or may be
      imported/exported without restrictions.  Thus, the archive is split
-     into the sections _main_, _non-us_, _non-free_, and _contrib_.
+     into the sections _main_, _non-US/main_, _contrib_, _non-US/contrib_,
+     _non-free_, and _non-US/non-free_.
-     The _main_ section forms the _Debian GNU/Linux distribution_.
+     The _main_ and _non-US/main_ sections form the _Debian GNU/Linux
+     distribution_.
      Packages in the other sections are not considered as part of the
      Debian distribution, though we support their use, and we provide
@@ -282,46 +284,54 @@
           The ``GPL,'' ``BSD,'' and ``Artistic'' licenses are examples of
           licenses that we consider _free_.
-2.1.2. The main section
+2.1.2. The main and non-US/main sections
-     Every package in "main" must comply with the DFSG (Debian Free
-     Software Guidelines).
+     Every package in "main" and "non-US/main" must comply with the DFSG
+     (Debian Free Software Guidelines).
      In addition, the packages in "main"
         * must not require a package outside of "main" for compilation or
           execution (thus, the package may not declare a "Depends" or
-          "Recommends" relationship on a non-main package),
+          "Recommends", or "Build-Depends" relationship on a non-main
+          package),
         * must not be so buggy that we refuse to support them,
         * must meet all policy requirements presented in this manual.
+     Similarly, the packages in "non-US/main"
+        * must not require a package outside of "main" or "non-US/main"
+          for compilation or execution,
+        * must not be so buggy that we refuse to support them, 
+        * must meet all policy requirements presented in this manual.
-2.1.3. The contrib section
+2.1.3. The contrib and non-US/contrib sections
-     Every package in "contrib" must comply with the DFSG.
+     Every package in "contrib" and "non-US/contrib" must comply with
+     the DFSG.
-     Examples of packages which would be included in "contrib" are
-        * free packages which require "contrib", "non-free", or "non-US"
+     Examples of packages which would be included in "contrib" or
+     "non-US/contrib" are
+        * free packages which require "contrib" or "non-free"
           packages or packages which are not in our archive at all for
           compilation or execution,
         * wrapper packages or other sorts of free accessories for non-free
-2.1.4. The non-free section
+2.1.4. The non-free and non-US/non-free sections
-     `Non-free' contains packages which are not compliant with the DFSG or
-     which are encumbered by patents or other legal issues that make their
-     distribution problematic.
+     Packages must be placed in "non-free" or "non-US/non-free" if they
+     are not compliant with the DFSG or are encumbered by patents or
+     other legal issues that make their distribution problematic.
-     All packages in `non-free' must be electronically distributable across
-     international borders.
-2.1.5. The non-us server
+2.1.5. The non-US sections
      Some programs with cryptographic program code must be stored on the
-     "non-us" server because of export restrictions of the U.S.
+     "non-US" server because of export restrictions of the U.S. Such
+     programs must be distributed in the appropriate non-US section,
+     either non-US/main, non-US/contrib or non-US/non-free.
      This applies only to packages which contain cryptographic code.  A
      package containing a program with an interface to a cryptographic


Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

  ``We reject: kings, presidents, and voting.
                 We believe in: rough consensus and working code.''
                                      -- Dave Clark

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