On Wed 16 Aug 2000, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

> "Sam Sim" wrote:
> > Dear Debian Linux,
> > 
> > I am familiar with you operating system and wanted to contact you. 
> Wow.  How familiar can he be?

Yeah, just what I was thinking.

> >                 we will be in your area towards the end of September.
> >                                   I would like briefly stop by your offices

I wonder how he's going to be in dozens of countries across the world
towards the end of September :-)   This is so clearly a standard ploy
to attract business; if someone responds, he goes to where ever the
"offices" happen to be.  Should this be considered spam? As far as I'm
concerned, it's unsollicited commercial email, thus spam.

Paul Slootman
home:       [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.wurtel.demon.nl/
work:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.murphy.nl/
debian:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.debian.org/
isdn4linux: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.isdn4linux.de/

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