#include <hallo.h>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Sat Aug 19, 2000 um 04:16:31PM:

> i have to manually
> modprobe ide-scsi and sg
> before i can use
> cdrecord -scanbus
> for creative 4224e ide cdrecorder.
> question is: how can i add them into
> /etc/modutils/devfsd ?

Learn the syntax of modules.conf (see "man modprobe") and write an
"include" file. Then save it as /etc/modutils/whatever and call
update-modules. Alternatively, use modconf as described in my
mini-Howto for Potato (cdrecord-1.10a02, README.ATAPI, latest section):

From: Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Linux: Kernel 2.2.15 (Debian package kernel-image-2.2.15)
   Distribution: Debian Potato (deep freeze), i386
   Devices: one CDRW-Writer, one CDROM-drive, both ATAPI

1. Become root, try "grep hd.: /var/log/kern.log" to find out where your
   ATAPI-devices are connected to (hd?-names).
2. Edit your boot configuration file, eg. /etc/lilo.conf if you use
   lilo or the batch-file if you boot via loadlin.
3. Find a line where you can append additional kernel parameters, eg.
   "append=" in lilo.conf or the loadlin-line in the batch file.
4. Append sth. like this: "hdb=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi max_scsi_luns=1"
   The hdX-parameters defines devices that should be mapped to SCSI
   latter. You may do it with non-writers too, since the emulation layer
   is almost complete, or let them out so the devices will use their
   native drivers.
5. Save the file, reinstall the bootloader (ie. running "/sbin/lilo")
6. Call "modconf", load "sg" and "ide-scsi" from the SCSI-section
7. Reboot Debian, watch while booting, you should see a line like this
   "Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0".
   Your old ATAPI devices virtually don't exist any longer, use ther
   SCSI equivalents instead.
8. Become root, setup devices:
      cd /dev
      MAKEDEV sg scd
      ln -s scd0 cdrom # NOTE: or cdrw, first check which drive is here
      ln -s scd1 cdrw  # NOTE: see above, maybe cdrom
   Check the new SCSI settings:
      cdrecord -scanbus
   Setup cdrecord's environment - edit /etc/default/cdrecord:
      cdrw=1,0,0        4       8m
      cdrom=1,2,0       0       0m
   Input the right values, the fields are described in the manpage
   of cdrecord. Alternatively, you may use this values as
   cdrecord-parameter or take a frontend with an own configuration
   scheme, then you don't need to modify /etc/default/cdrecord.
9. It's done! Insert a CD and try "cdrecord -v -toc"

Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; HP: http://eduard.bloch.com/edecosi
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"The three principal virtues of a programmer are Laziness, Impatience,
and Hubris"                              (from the man-page for perl).

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