ANNOUNCE: First official release of "apt-show-source"

What is it?

 It's a perl script that parses the dpkg status file and that APT
 list files that end with Sources, without any options it prints out all
 installed packages and versions were a different version is available
 through your sources-list. The generated output looks like:

 Inst. Package        = Version         | Source Package      = Version
 mtools               = 3.9.6-3.1       | mtools              = 3.9.7+20000821
 sharutils            = 1:4.2.1-1       | sharutils           = 1:4.2.1-2
 netbase              = 3.18-4          | netbase             = 4.03

For what do I need it?

 It's very handy when in your sources-list the "deb" entries point
 to stable and only the "deb-src" entries point to unstable. Until now i never
 found a good way to check if a newer version of package XXX is available
 through my source-entries.
 Now I can run:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ apt-show-source --package=console-tools

 Inst. Package        = Version         | Source Package      = Version
 console-tools        = 1:0.2.3-10.3    | console-tools       = 1:0.2.3-14

Where can i get it?

 Currently it's available at
 or via apt-get with this sources-list entries:

 # apt-show-source
 deb apt-show-source/
 deb-src apt-show-source/

Notice that I will only upload it to the Distribution if there's
some feedback that it is used by someone.
I don't see any sense of uploading when i'm the only user.

Comments are very welcome.

| Dennis Schoen                   | "Contrary to popular belief,
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |  UNIX is a user-friendly Operating
|  |  System. It's just choosy about
| +49-5207-923701                 |  who its friends are."

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