Zebediah Beck <zwbprodu...@gmail.com> writes:

> Wonderful thanks that is well and good with me, please explain why
> libbitcoin was removed from Debian in 2018?

Here's how you can find this:

find the package on https://tracker.debian.org/ (search for libbitcoin)
follow links to https://bugs.debian.org/906801 which says "Please remove
libbitcoin from unstable: It is unused in Debian."

> I would like to also contribute these less technical documentation as I
> seek to contribute full-time to the community

I suggest that the way to contribute in English is to:
- find something that needs improving, (wrong/missing/confusing 
- work out how to improve it (requires own research and translating of existing 
   into something readable by non-experts)
- submit proposed text to this list for comments (follow the
   tips at http://jbr.me.uk/linux/esl.html for writing style advice)
- make changes in response and resubmit
- when no more comments, send the final text as a bug report and merge request 
via salsa.

non-English speakers can presumably skip the second step and translate
existing text from English

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