
in order to fix #229357 I decided to add a new Build-Options field.
I modified Dpkg::BuildOptions to parse this field and DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS.
And I added support for a build-arch option, that if present, will let
dpkg-buildpackage call debian/rules build-arch and build-indep.

It's not obvious that this was the right choice when you think of the
currently existing build options but once you start thinking of possible
additions (as requested in #489771), it becomes more evident that it makes
sense. Even if some build options should really only be used in
the field while others should only be used in the environment variable,
the possibility to override the former with the latter is nice.

The current patchset is available in my public repository but I'll attach
it as well so that you can easily review it. I intend to merge it this
week-end after some tests but feel free to test and comment in the mean


The patchset only applies on top of master.

Raphaël Hertzog

Le best-seller français mis à jour pour Debian Etch :
>From 1ebeff797bc36c91e50f02c6d32cba094e827add Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raphael Hertzog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2008 22:03:27 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor Dpkg::BuildOptions to handle Build-Options field

* scripts/Dpkg/BuildOptions.pm: complete rewrite of the module
to handle various sources of build options: some options are auto-set
based on the standards version, then the maintainer can define options
with the Build-Options field in debian/control and last the builder
can use DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS to override everything. Some options are
meant to be exported through DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS and some are not.
* scripts/t/300_Dpkg_BuildOptions.t: adjust test suite for the new module
* scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.pl: adjust to use the new Dpkg::BuildOptions
* scripts/Dpkg/Fields.pm, scripts/Dpkg/Source/Package.pm: add the new
Build-Options field as a valid field in the source section of
debian/control (and in .dsc files).
 scripts/Dpkg/BuildOptions.pm      |  257 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 scripts/Dpkg/Fields.pm            |    2 +-
 scripts/Dpkg/Source/Package.pm    |    5 +-
 scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.pl      |   10 +-
 scripts/t/300_Dpkg_BuildOptions.t |   61 +++++----
 5 files changed, 273 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/Dpkg/BuildOptions.pm b/scripts/Dpkg/BuildOptions.pm
index 9d6741b..5b2acdd 100644
--- a/scripts/Dpkg/BuildOptions.pm
+++ b/scripts/Dpkg/BuildOptions.pm
@@ -5,51 +5,252 @@ use warnings;
 use Dpkg::Gettext;
 use Dpkg::ErrorHandling qw(warning);
+use Dpkg::Control;
+use Dpkg::Version qw(compare_versions);
-sub parse {
-    my ($env) = @_;
+# Define behavior for known options:
+# export -> the option is meant to be exported in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
+# valued -> the option can have a value
+# check_value_rx -> if defined, a regex to check the value, invalid value
+#                   will lead to the option being discarded
+# min_standards_version -> if the s-v field is >= to the version given,
+#                          the option is auto-enabled
+our %OPTIONS = (
+    noopt => {
+        export => 1,
+        valued => 0,
+    },
+    nostrip => {
+        export => 1,
+        valued => 0,
+    },
+    nocheck => {
+        export => 1,
+        valued => 0,
+    },
+    parallel => {
+        export => 1,
+        valued => 1,
+        check_value_rx => qr/^-?\d+$/,
+    },
-    $env ||= $ENV{DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS};
+=head1 NAME
-    unless ($env) { return {}; }
+Dpkg::BuildOptions - handle build options from debian/control and environment
-    my %opts;
-    foreach (split(/\s+/, $env)) {
-	unless (/^([a-z][a-z0-9_-]*)(=(\S*))?$/) {
-            warning(_g("invalid flag in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS: %s"), $_);
-            next;
+It provides an object to analyze and manipulate build options as defined
+by combining information provided by the debian/control file and by the
+DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable.
+=over 4
+=item $b = Dpkg::BuildOptions($file)
+Create a new Dpkg::BuildOptions object. The $file parameter is simply
+forwarded to Dpkg::Control->new($file). If undef, it will simply use
+debian/control by default.
+sub new {
+    my ($this, $ctl_file) = @_;
+    my $class = ref($this) || $this;
+    my $self = {
+        'opts' => {},
+        'control' => Dpkg::Control->new($ctl_file),
+    };
+    bless $self, $class;
+    $self->parse_options();
+    return $self;
+=item $b->reset()
+Forget all options already parsed. Start afresh.
+sub reset {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    $self->{'opts'} = {};
+=item $b->parse_options()
+Do a full parse of options, including the Build-Options field in
+debian/control and the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS variable.
+sub parse_options {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    $self->parse_standards_version();
+    $self->parse_field();
+    $self->parse_env();
+=item $b->parse_standards_version()
+Update the options based on the current value of the Standards-Version
+sub parse_standards_version {
+    my ($self, $sv) = @_;
+    my $src = $self->{'control'}->get_source();
+    $sv = $src->{'Standards-Version'} unless defined $sv;
+    return unless $sv;
+    foreach my $opt (keys %OPTIONS) {
+        my $min_sv = $OPTIONS{$opt}{'min_standards_version'};
+        next unless defined $min_sv;
+        if (compare_versions($sv, '>=', $min_sv)) {
+            $self->{'opts'}{$opt} = { %{$OPTIONS{$opt}} };
+    }
+=item $b->parse_field()
+Update the options based on the value of the Build-Options field in the
+associated Dpkg::Control object. It will also define some options based
+on the value of the Standards-Version field.
+sub parse_field {
+    my ($self, $field) = @_;
+    my $src = $self->{'control'}->get_source();
+    $field = $src->{'Build-Options'} unless defined $field;
+    $self->_parse($field, 'field');
+=item $b->parse_env()
+Update the options based on the value of DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS environment
+sub parse_env {
+    my ($self, $env) = @_;
+    $env = $ENV{'DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS'} unless defined $env;
+    $self->_parse($env, 'env');
-	my ($k, $v) = ($1, $3 || '');
+=item my $env = $b->export
-	# Sanity checks
-	if ($k =~ /^(noopt|nostrip|nocheck)$/ && length($v)) {
-	    $v = '';
-	} elsif ($k eq 'parallel' && $v !~ /^-?\d+$/) {
-	    next;
-	}
+Export the current set of build options in the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
+environment variable. Only options that are meant to be exported
+will be included. For convenience, the return value also contains the
+new value of the variable.
-	$opts{$k} = $v;
+sub export {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my @flags;
+    foreach my $opt (sort keys %{$self->{'opts'}}) {
+        my $o = $self->{'opts'}{$opt};
+        if ($o->{'export'}) {
+            if ($o->{'value'}) {
+                push @flags, "$opt=" . $o->{'value'};
+            } else {
+                push @flags, $opt;
+            }
+        }
+    my $env = join(" ", @flags);
+    $ENV{'DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS'} = $env;
+    return $env;
+=item $b->has($option)
-    return \%opts;
+Return true if the option is defined, false otherwise.
+sub has {
+    my ($self, $opt) = @_;
+    return exists $self->{'opts'}{$opt};
+=item $b->get($option)
+Return the current value of the option if it has any.
+sub get {
+    my ($self, $opt) = @_;
+    return $self->{'opts'}{$opt}{'value'};
+=item $b->set($option, $value)
+Add a new option or overwrite the current one.
 sub set {
-    my ($opts, $overwrite) = @_;
-    $overwrite = 1 if not defined($overwrite);
+    my ($self, $opt, $val) = @_;
+    $self->{'opts'}{$opt}{'value'} = $val || '';
+    $self->{'opts'}{$opt}{'source'} = 'code';
-    my $new = {};
-    $new = parse() unless $overwrite;
-    while (my ($k, $v) = each %$opts) {
-        $new->{$k} = $v;
-    }
+## Non-public interface below
+sub _parse {
+    my ($self, $value, $source) = @_;
+    return unless $value;
-    my $env = join(" ", map { $new->{$_} ? $_ . "=" . $new->{$_} : $_ } sort keys %$new);
+    foreach (split(/\s+/, $value)) {
+	unless (/^([a-z][a-z0-9_-]*)(?:=(\S*))?$/) {
+            warning(_g("invalid flag in %s: %s"), $source eq "field" ?
+                    "Build-Options" : "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS", $_);
+            next;
+        }
+	my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2 || '');
-    $ENV{DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS} = $env;
-    return $env;
+        if ($k =~ /^no-(.*)$/) {
+            # Disable an option
+            delete $self->{'opts'}{$1};
+            next;
+        }
+        # Define an (new) option
+        my %o;
+        if (exists $OPTIONS{$k}) {
+            %o = %{$OPTIONS{$k}};
+        } elsif ($source eq "field") {
+            $o{'export'} = 0; # Unknown options from B-O: are not exported
+        }
+        if ($source eq "env") {
+            $o{'export'} = 1; # All options from environment are exported
+        }
+        $o{'source'} = $source;
+        $o{'value'} = $v;
+        # Check/sanitize the option
+        if (defined($o{'valued'})) {
+            if (defined($o{'check_value_rx'})) {
+                unless ($v =~ $o{'check_value_rx'}) {
+                    warning(_g("discarding build option %s due to " .
+                            "invalid value: %s"), $k, $v);
+                    next;
+                }
+            }
+            $o{'value'} = '' unless $o{'valued'};
+        }
+        # Store it
+        $self->{'opts'}{$k} = \%o;
+    }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Raphael Hertzog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
diff --git a/scripts/Dpkg/Fields.pm b/scripts/Dpkg/Fields.pm
index 6504a1f..cb7325e 100644
--- a/scripts/Dpkg/Fields.pm
+++ b/scripts/Dpkg/Fields.pm
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ our %EXPORT_TAGS = ('list' => [qw(%control_src_fields %control_pkg_fields
 # Some variables (list of fields)
 our %control_src_fields;
 our %control_pkg_fields;
-$control_src_fields{$_} = 1 foreach (qw(Bugs Dm-Upload-Allowed
+$control_src_fields{$_} = 1 foreach (qw(Bugs Build-Options Dm-Upload-Allowed
     Homepage Origin Maintainer Priority Section Source Standards-Version
     Uploaders Vcs-Browser Vcs-Arch Vcs-Bzr Vcs-Cvs Vcs-Darcs Vcs-Git Vcs-Hg
     Vcs-Mtn Vcs-Svn));
diff --git a/scripts/Dpkg/Source/Package.pm b/scripts/Dpkg/Source/Package.pm
index 2ba8479..2b785dc 100644
--- a/scripts/Dpkg/Source/Package.pm
+++ b/scripts/Dpkg/Source/Package.pm
@@ -89,8 +89,9 @@ _darcs
 # Private stuff
 my @dsc_fields = (qw(Format Source Binary Architecture Version Origin
 		     Maintainer Uploaders Dm-Upload-Allowed Homepage
-		     Standards-Version Vcs-Browser Vcs-Arch Vcs-Bzr
-		     Vcs-Cvs Vcs-Darcs Vcs-Git Vcs-Hg Vcs-Mtn Vcs-Svn),
+                     Standards-Version Build-Options Vcs-Browser Vcs-Arch
+                     Vcs-Bzr Vcs-Cvs Vcs-Darcs Vcs-Git Vcs-Hg Vcs-Mtn
+                     Vcs-Svn),
                   qw(Checksums-Md5 Checksums-Sha1 Checksums-Sha256 Files));
diff --git a/scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.pl b/scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.pl
index 93d72a1..f335477 100755
--- a/scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.pl
+++ b/scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.pl
@@ -244,20 +244,20 @@ if ($signcommand) {
-my $build_opts = Dpkg::BuildOptions::parse();
+my $build_opts = Dpkg::BuildOptions->new();
 if ($parallel) {
-    $parallel = $build_opts->{parallel} if (defined $build_opts->{parallel});
+    $parallel = $build_opts->get("parallel") if $build_opts->has("parallel");
     $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} ||= '';
     if ($parallel eq '-1') {
 	$ENV{MAKEFLAGS} .= " -j";
     } else {
 	$ENV{MAKEFLAGS} .= " -j$parallel";
-    $build_opts->{parallel} = $parallel;
-    Dpkg::BuildOptions::set($build_opts);
+    $build_opts->set("parallel", $parallel);
-my $default_flags = defined $build_opts->{noopt} ? "-g -O0" : "-g -O2";
+my $default_flags = $build_opts->has("noopt") ? "-g -O0" : "-g -O2";
 my %flags = ( CPPFLAGS => '',
 	      CFLAGS   => $default_flags,
 	      CXXFLAGS => $default_flags,
diff --git a/scripts/t/300_Dpkg_BuildOptions.t b/scripts/t/300_Dpkg_BuildOptions.t
index dc43acd..0ad5fc1 100644
--- a/scripts/t/300_Dpkg_BuildOptions.t
+++ b/scripts/t/300_Dpkg_BuildOptions.t
@@ -1,12 +1,28 @@
 # -*- mode: cperl;-*-
-use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Test::More tests => 11;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+$Dpkg::BuildOptions::OPTIONS{'test-sv1'} = {
+    export => 1,
+    valued => 0,
+    min_standards_version => '3.0.1',
+$Dpkg::BuildOptions::OPTIONS{'test-sv2'} = {
+    export => 0,
+    valued => 0,
+    min_standards_version => '12.3',
+$Dpkg::BuildOptions::OPTIONS{'test_rx'} = {
+    export => 0,
+    valued => 1,
+    check_value_rx => qr/^\dx\d$/,
     no warnings;
     # Disable warnings related to invalid values fed during
@@ -16,36 +32,29 @@ use_ok('Dpkg::BuildOptions');
 $ENV{DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS} = 'noopt foonostripbar parallel=3 bazNOCHECK';
-my $dbo = Dpkg::BuildOptions::parse();
-my %dbo = (
-	   noopt => '',
-	   foonostripbar => '',
-	   parallel => 3,
-	   );
-my %dbo2 = (
-	    no => '',
-	    opt => '',
-	    'no-strip' => '',
-	    nocheck => '',
-	   );
+my $dbo = Dpkg::BuildOptions->new("/dev/null");
+ok($dbo->has("test-sv1"), "test-sv1 is autoset");
+ok(!$dbo->has("test-sv2"), "test-sv2 is not autoset");
-is_deeply($dbo, \%dbo, 'parse');
+ok(!$dbo->has("test_rx"), "test_rx has been discarded");
-$dbo = Dpkg::BuildOptions::parse('no opt no-strip parallel = 5 nocheck');
+ok($dbo->has("test_rx"), "testrx has been set");
+is($dbo->get("test_rx"), "4x4", "value of testrx is correct");
-is_deeply($dbo, \%dbo2, 'parse (param)');
+ok($dbo->has("test-sv2"), "test-sv2 has been set");
-$dbo->{parallel} = 5;
-$dbo->{noopt} = '';
+$dbo->parse_env("noopt=1 no-test-sv1 foonostripbar parallel=3 bazNOCHECK pasbon = 2");
-my $env = Dpkg::BuildOptions::set($dbo, 1);
+ok(!$dbo->has("test-sv1"), "test-sv1 got removed");
+ok(!$dbo->has("no-test-sv1"), "no-testsv1 doesn't exist");
+is($dbo->get("noopt"), "", "noopt has no value");
-is($ENV{DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS}, $env, 'set (return value)');
-is_deeply(Dpkg::BuildOptions::parse(), $dbo, 'set (env)');
+is($ENV{DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS}, "foonostripbar noopt parallel=3 pasbon", "exported options");
-$ENV{DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS} = 'foobar';
-$dbo = { noopt => '' };
-$env = Dpkg::BuildOptions::set($dbo, 0);
-is($env, "foobar noopt", 'set (append)');

>From de4a0d2935201352f3b24382a18b8893d9ae2bdf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raphael Hertzog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 22:29:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] dpkg-buildpackage: use build-arch/indep target. Closes: #229357

* scripts/Dpkg/BuildOptions.pm: Add the new build-arch Build-Options.
* scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.pl: Call the build-arch/build-indep
target instead of the build target when possible.
* man/dpkg-buildpackage.1: Document the above changes.
 man/dpkg-buildpackage.1      |   49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 scripts/Dpkg/BuildOptions.pm |    5 ++++
 scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.pl |    9 ++++++-
 3 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/dpkg-buildpackage.1 b/man/dpkg-buildpackage.1
index 6ffc5cb..cf49a53 100644
--- a/man/dpkg-buildpackage.1
+++ b/man/dpkg-buildpackage.1
@@ -24,12 +24,16 @@ It calls \fBdpkg-source\fP to generate the source package (unless
 a binary-only build has been requested with \fB\-b\fP, \fB\-B\fP or
 .IP \fB5.\fP 3
-It calls \fBdebian/rules\fP \fBbuild\fP followed by
+It calls \fBdebian/rules\fP \fIbuild-target\fP followed by
 \fBfakeroot debian/rules\fP \fIbinary-target\fP (unless a source-only
 build has been requested with \fB\-S\fP). Note that \fIbinary-target\fR is
-either \fBbuild\fP (default case, or if \fB\-b\fP is specified)
+either \fBbinary\fP (default case, or if \fB\-b\fP is specified)
 or \fBbinary-arch\fP (if \fB\-B\fP is specified) or \fBbinary-indep\fP
-(if \fB\-A\fP is specified).
+(if \fB\-A\fP is specified). \fIbuild-target\fP is usually \fBbuild\fP
+(default case, or if \fB\-b\fP is specified) but it can also be
+\fBbuild-arch\fP (with \fB\-B\fP) or \fBbuild-indep\fP (with \fB\-A\fP)
+if the package advertises \fBbuild-arch\fP in its \fIBuild-Options\fP
+field (see \fBBUILD OPTIONS\fP).
 .IP \fB6.\fP 3
 It calls \fBgpg\fP to sign the \fB.dsc\fP file (if any, unless
 \fB\-us\fP is specified).
@@ -197,6 +201,45 @@ Show the usage message and exit.
 .BR \-\-version
 Show the version and exit.
+Build options can be set:
+.IP . 2
+by the package maintainer using the \fIBuild-Options\fP field in the
+source stanza of \fBdebian/control\fP;
+.IP . 2
+by the caller with the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable.
+Both methods share a common syntax; options are space separated,
+they can have an optional value appended with an equal sign
+(\fIoption-name\fP\fB=\fP\fIvalue\fP) and their names are composed of
+lower-case alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores. The first
+character must be a letter.
+The options are evaluated in the order given above, and it's
+possible to remove an option previously set by adding an option
+The following options are commonly used:
+.B build-arch
+Indicates that the rules file supports the \fBbuild-arch\fP and
+\fBbuild-indep\fP targets.
+.BR nocheck " (*)"
+Disable test-suite and other runtime checks run during the build.
+.BR noopt " (*)"
+Disable compiler optimizations.
+.BR nostrip " (*)"
+Disable stripping of compiled binaries.
+.BI parallel= value "\fR (*)\fP"
+Let the build-system run up to \fIvalue\fP concurrent jobs during build.
+The options marked with (*), when set, are always exported in the
+DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable.
 .SS Vendor identification
 The variable \fBDEB_VENDOR\fR will be set to the name of the current vendor
diff --git a/scripts/Dpkg/BuildOptions.pm b/scripts/Dpkg/BuildOptions.pm
index 5b2acdd..0580e00 100644
--- a/scripts/Dpkg/BuildOptions.pm
+++ b/scripts/Dpkg/BuildOptions.pm
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ our %OPTIONS = (
         valued => 1,
         check_value_rx => qr/^-?\d+$/,
+    'build-arch' => {
+        export => 0,
+        valued => 0,
+        min_standards_version => undef,
+    },
 =head1 NAME
diff --git a/scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.pl b/scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.pl
index f335477..2009716 100755
--- a/scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.pl
+++ b/scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.pl
@@ -101,9 +101,12 @@ my $checkbuilddep = 1;
 my $signsource = 1;
 my $signchanges = 1;
 my $diffignore = '';
+my $buildtarget = 'build';
 my $binarytarget = 'binary';
 my $targetarch = my $targetgnusystem = '';
+my $build_opts = Dpkg::BuildOptions->new();
 while (@ARGV) {
     $_ = shift @ARGV;
@@ -162,6 +165,7 @@ while (@ARGV) {
 	$binaryonly = '-b';
 	@checkbuilddep_args = ();
 	$binarytarget = 'binary';
+        $buildtarget = 'build';
 	if ($sourceonly) {
 	    usageerr(_g("cannot combine %s and %s"), '-b', '-S');
@@ -169,6 +173,7 @@ while (@ARGV) {
 	$binaryonly = '-B';
 	@checkbuilddep_args = ('-B');
 	$binarytarget = 'binary-arch';
+        $buildtarget = 'build-arch' if $build_opts->has("build-arch");
 	if ($sourceonly) {
 	    usageerr(_g("cannot combine %s and %s"), '-B', '-S');
@@ -176,6 +181,7 @@ while (@ARGV) {
 	$binaryonly = '-A';
 	@checkbuilddep_args = ();
 	$binarytarget = 'binary-indep';
+        $buildtarget = 'build-indep' if $build_opts->has("build-arch");
 	if ($sourceonly) {
 	    usageerr(_g("cannot combine %s and %s"), '-A', '-S');
@@ -244,7 +250,6 @@ if ($signcommand) {
-my $build_opts = Dpkg::BuildOptions->new();
 if ($parallel) {
     $parallel = $build_opts->get("parallel") if $build_opts->has("parallel");
     $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} ||= '';
@@ -369,7 +374,7 @@ unless ($binaryonly) {
     chdir($dir) or failure("chdir $dir");
 unless ($sourceonly) {
-    withecho(@debian_rules, 'build');
+    withecho(@debian_rules, $buildtarget);
     withecho(@rootcommand, @debian_rules, $binarytarget);
 if ($usepause &&

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