Package: dpkg-dev

When the source provided to dpkg-source contains a .<vcs>ignore file,
eg a .gitignore, .hgignore, .cvsignore, then that file is part of the
source code as the maintainer works with it.  It should be retained in
the source package.

Likewise if the Debian maintainer makes changes to .<vcs>ignore in
their vcs, then those changes are part of the source as the maintainer
works with it, and in `3.0 (quilt)' should be represented as a patch.

The result of this default is that many source packages in the Debian
archive are incomplete.  This is IMO a DFSG violation (and where
relevant a GPL violation).  Although it is probably legally de
minimis, this should be fixed.

Changing this has compatibility implications.  Many tools assume the
existing behaviour.  I suggest the following transition plan:

 * Introduce a new option --new-ignores which causes -I and -i without
   further arguments to exclude *only* vcs-maintained metadata (.git,
   .hg, CVS etc.)  and including all files which are usually committed
   to the relevant vcs.  Make an environment variable to do the same

 * Start printing a warning when -I or -i is passed on the command
   line without a value and without --new-ignores.

 * Always treat -I and -i found in debian/source/options the new way.
   (there are no compatibility implications in this case).

 * In bullseye, always do the new thing and make --new-ignores a

But maybe you have a better plan.

This is related to, but distinct from,
  #908742  Want way to reset tar-ignore list
which I think ought to be uncontroversial and can be done immediately.


[1] Looking at the list in @tar_ignore_default_pattern in stretch, I
think the ones which need to be removed from the list (and thus kept
in source packages) include at least these
and possibly these
and maybe these (but I think not):


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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