On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 02:42:19AM +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
> I upgraded dpkg today and noticed that 'dpkg -l' now always pipes its output
> through less, even if $PAGER is unset.  The only way to get the output to go
> to the tty is to explicitly pipe it to cat.
> This is exactly the opposite of how unix programs should behave - stdout
> goes to a tty unless redirected.  If a user **wants** to view the output of
> a program in a pager, then they can pipe it to less or whatever themselves.
> That's standard usage of the unix shell.  Hard-coding a program to always use
> a pager is wrong.
> It also prevents dpkg's output from appearing in the scrollback buffer of
> terminal emulators because less (by default) switches to the alternate screen.
> dpkg now also ignore the COLUMNS variable, which is set by default in bash
> and other shells, and can be overidden on the command line as needed. With
> this change, flexibility and customisation has been replaced with a single
> hard-coded output format.  Previous versions of dpkg used $COLUMNS, and were
> documented to do so in the man page.
> This makes the output ugly and difficult to read on standard 80 column
> terminals because the output will now typically be longer than 80 columns
> wide.  In fact, it's ugly and difficult to read on any terminal width
> less than the widest possible output line - it's no longer an easily read
> one-line-per-entry table, but a jumbled multiple-lines-per-entry mess.
I fully agree. (& thanks for writing this precice bug report, Craig.)

also, running eg 'dpkg -l dpkg' and then ending up in less is confusing
and breaking >20y old habbits, and then I press 'q' and get exit code 1.

> Please revert this change.

Yes, please.

And thanks for maintaining dpkg! :)


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