On 2023-08-06 23:25 +0200, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:
> Following the procedure to modify default dpkg-buildflags I propose to
> enable -fstack-clash-protection on amd64. The bug for dpkg tracking this
> is #918914.

> The open question is whether to also enable this for arm64, mips64el,
> ppc64el, riscv and s390x. I'm adding the respective porter lists, if there's
> consensus among porters of a given arch other than amd64 to also add
> the flag, please post a followup to #918914.

There is consensus amongst the ARM distro team that this should be
turned on for arm64. Our preference is to turn it on for the 32-bit
arm arches too. However Ubuntu chose not to enable this on armhf in
2019 after a rebuild test (although it doesn't look significantly
worse than arm64 to me on that chart - needs more detailed
investigation). We will do some new archive rebuilds to see what the current
status is.

I've also asked the arm compiler team if there are any known issues with this 

Principal hats:  Debian, Wookware, ARM

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