On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

> Previously Piotr Roszatycki wrote:
> > I'm afraid dpkg 1.4.1 is stable version and couldn't be modified.
> What do you mean, couldn't be modified? If you mean you couldn't commit
> changes into the CVS you're right. Only a few people have access to
> that.

The patch I've cleaned is located at:

I've modified configure.in so it should be clean for linux port.
Only big change is modified badlgccfn, so it prints default architecture
if gcc failed.

> > I think the dpkg as standalone program should be portable to system without
> > GNU utils (like mv, xargs). Of course GNU make is required, but it could be
> > easly resolved by /usr/bin/dpkg-make symlink.
> It will always require GNU utils such as autoconf, gettext, make, etc.
> I also don't see what you would gain with a dpkg-make symlink.

The path for GNU make is hardcoded in debian/rules file as /usr/bin/make.


Piotr "Dexter" Roszatycki

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