On Thu, 2008-06-26 at 14:56 +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> Raphael Hertzog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Thu, 26 Jun 2008, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> >> So I think for Multi-Arch: abi packages the /usr/share/doc/<package>
> >> in its entirety should be renamed and now there is a choice to make:
> >
> > I like none of your suggestions. I'd like to suggest to rely on the
> > work done by Tollef that lets dpkg skip some files in packages. The first
> > purpose was to strip doc and locale data in some embedded usage
> > but it could be improved with new rules that exclude such common
> > name spaces for package which are for another architecture
> > than the current one.
> >
> > Cheers,
> So when I install iceweasel 32bit on amd64 (for stupid plugins) I will
> have no copyright, changelog nor license? I doubt that would be legal.
> Even for libaries there is no garanty that the native flavour of a
> library will be present when another architectures flavour is
> installed.

Your use case is a touch unusual (from my perspective anyway) - current
behaviour (via dpkg-cross) is focused on only providing the binaries of
a particular package for purposes of linking during cross builds, in
which case dropping everything not related to linkage is the obvious
solution, hence dpkg filtering and dpkg-cross.

Similarly, many multiarch dpkg runs will take place in a temporary
chroot during a cross-build - there isn't a need for any copyright or
changelog files in that situation. (Currently, these -cross packages are
generated on-the-fly from the Debian mirrors for the requested
architecture, obtained using apt-cross).

Actually running foreign binaries involves a different set of problems
(and dependencies). iceweasel 32bit on amd64 isn't what I would think of
as the typical use of dpkg multiarch support. If we are to continue
migrating dpkg-cross into dpkg, the multiarch support will need to
support installing ARM packages on amd64 and i386 - not for the purposes
of running them via qemu or anything else, purely for the purposes of
linking against them during builds.

> If a user wants to skip them that is their problem but Debian shipping
> a dpkg that skips them allways or by default would be problematic.

(Although common in a variety of embedded installations so by no means a

Besides, dpkg-cross has been in Debian for a decade with the default
action doing precisely this kind of stripping:

$ dpkg -L libqof1-arm-cross

> Can you give me an url for Tollefs work? Maybe that can be used to
> rename by default.

See this thread in the dpkg list archives:


And some other links for background:


Neil Williams

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