On Thu, 2008-09-11 at 10:53 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Raphael Hertzog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Wed, 10 Sep 2008, Bill Allombert wrote:
> >> I like to say I concurr with Russ. There are some much difference
> >> between packages that distributions wide default does not make sense.
> >> Such change would rather lead me to hardcode values of
> >> DEBIAN_BUILD_OPTIONS in debian/rules if they are used blidly.
> >
> > But more and more people want to be able to change distribution wide
> > default: Emdebian wants to enable "nodocs" and "nocheck" by default,
> > other want to be able to enable hardening options by default and I agree
> > with them that official support for such a facility is desirable.
> So they should set DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS in the environment.  That's what it's
> for.  I don't have any objections to that, or even to doing it via
> dpkg-buildpackage.

That is what DEB_VENDOR seeks to achieve - set it once and it sets the
same options across all builds, in the environment.

This is getting to be a long list of CC: - isn't it worth sending to
debian-devel instead? Goswin von Brederlow and Simon Richter did a lot
of work on this at Extremadura and they aren't on the current CC:.

I'm losing track of all the bugs in the CC: and why they are listed.

> My objection is specifically to having dpkg-buildpackage set a variety of
> environment variables *by default*, and then telling package maintainers
> that they should rely on those environment variables being set in the
> default case. 

If by default you mean Debian, then NO. DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS is empty for
Debian and will continue so.

>  That breaks the debian/rules interface and requires that
> all package builds go through dpkg-buildpackage.  Having dpkg-buildpackage
> set environment variables in the non-default case like Emdebian is not a
> problem, since for Emdebian builds (for example) Emdebian can decide that
> using dpkg-buildpackage or setting the environment variables manually is
> required.  There is no existing precedent, and they can make that rule
> from scratch.


> My concern is for the default build where there *is* an existing precedent
> that debian/rules build should work sanely, not for support for special
> cases like that where the existing debian/rules interface already doesn't
> do the right thing without additional help.
> If you are going to go down this path of having dpkg-buildpackage set up
> an environment that package maintainers should rely on, you or someone
> else on the dpkg team needs to make a debian-devel-announce post making it
> clear that debian/rules build is no longer a supported interface for
> building packages and using dpkg-buildpackage is required for consistent
> behavior.
> Right now, I don't think most Debian Developers have any idea what the
> implications of these changes are.

That's fine. DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS would be empty if DEB_VENDOR is not set
or is set to Debian.


Neil Williams

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