Hello Guillem, All,

First of all thanks to everyone for the efforts to fix these problems. It seems
we've now got fixes in place both in (c)debootstrap and base-passwd, so
hopefully we're fine for the next few releases... :-)

On Fri, Nov 07, 2014 at 17:38:06 +0100, Guillem Jover wrote:
> On Fri, 2014-11-07 at 08:30:39 +0000, Michael Tautschnig wrote:
> > I do agree with all the dpkg reasoning and in a way I'm grateful that dpkg 
> > made
> > this bug surface. But really there shouldn't be any such dependency on the 
> > order
> > of configuration of base-files and base-passwd.
> There needs to be one, and that's part of the problem of bootstrapping
> a system. I agree with Santiago that adding an implicit Depends
> completely defeats the point of Essential, and that's a wrong fix.

I don't quite see why we would necessarily need a dependency between the two,
and the change to base-passwd seems to prove this. (But I understand that
explicitly adding a dependency would not be a good idea.)

> ISTR there was in the past discussions (AFAIR either in d-d or a dpkg
> bug) about trying to move the bootstrapping information into packages
> in a bootstrap maintscript or similar. Those would need to be run from
> outside the chroot, so that we are not back to the problem of implicit
> assumptions and ordering though. And the expectations on the external
> environment would need to be specified, for example assuming just POSIX
> utilities.

I suppose it was part of those discussions (I wouldn't recall having followed
them) that it is not possible to sort out these problems using preinst scripts.

> *That* would be a proper fix to the problem of the implicit ordering,
> would also be a generic solution independent of the distribution or
> derivative, or current set of packages, and we might be able to have
> (possibly) a more generic debootstrap. I can try to draft something
> up if people are interested in this for jessie+1.

While obviously implicit constraints are worse than explicit ones, having no
ordering constraints would seem even better?! I suppose this is infeasible for
certain packages, so for now I'll just enjoy that the count has been reduced by

Thanks again everyone for the efforts,

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