Guillem Jover <> writes:

> In deb-changelog(5) there is currently this:

> ,---
> .nf
> \fIpackage\fP (\fIversion\fP) \fIdistributions\fP; \fImetadata\fP
>           [optional blank line(s), stripped]
>   * \fIchange-details\fP
>     \fImore-change-details\fP
>           [blank line(s), included in output of \fBdpkg\-parsechangelog\fP(1)]
>   * \fIeven-more-change-details\fP
>           [optional blank line(s), stripped]
>  \-\- \fImaintainer-name\fP <\fIemail-address\fP>  \fIdate\fP
> .fi
> `---

> which I had to convert by surrounding with «=begin man» and «=end man».
> If you know of a better way, I'm interested!

Oh, markup inside verbatim.  Yeah, this is a topic of some discussion in
the Perl community.  There was occasionally some talk of a =begin verbatim
block that would act like a verbatim block but markup sequences would be
allowed, but nothing really came of it.

Perl 6 POD solved this problem with their =begin code block that takes as
an argument a list of sequences to allow.  But no one seems to be using
Perl 6 still?  I haven't really looked at their POD stuff at all.  It
started on a weirdly parallel track without much interaction with those of
us who were maintaining all this stuff for Perl 5.

I generally just give up on this and use the normal text markup
conventions of angle brackets and whatnot, although I see why you don't
want to do that here.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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