Hi Guillem, you asked me to review your next/d-m-h-root branch. Thanks to all who've worked on this! I've looked at the two commits as one diff (12961967a563..6aa3bf8f98b8) without attributing individual hunks to the respective authors. This is what I found:
* Diagnostic messages tend to include DPKG_ROOT. Is that a useful thing to do? My intuition was that I'd not include DPKG_ROOT there. For example: echo "Obsolete conffile ${DPKG_ROOT}$CONFFILE has been modified by you." Counter examples: echo "Restoring backup of $SYMLINK ..." echo "Restoring backup of $PATHNAME ..." At the very least, consistency seems in order here. * In dir_to_symlink, in the case for postrm, in the second (long) condition, I think there is a line that misses a trailing backslash. [ \( ! -h "${DPKG_ROOT}$PATHNAME" -a * In readlink_canon, in the final realpath the $dst argument likely should be quoted. * In readlink_canon I was wondering whether passing DPKG_ROOT inside a sed expression is a good idea. How about reworking the final line: -realpath $dst | sed -e "s:^$DPKG_ROOT::" +dst=$(realpath $dst) +echo ${dst#"$DPKG_ROOT"} The quoting of the variable removes any pattern meaning from its contents. * I observe that readlink -f and readlink_canon significantly differ in their behaviour. While readlink -f canonicalizes symbolic links in every component of the path, readlink_canon only canonicalizes symbolic links in the final component. It then uses realpath saying that no symlinks are involved, which may be untrue. I do wonder whether implementing this feature here is a useful thing to do. It seems that we need a chroot-aware readlink and/or realpath in more occasions. Possibly extending coreutils is a better solution? In any case, I'm attaching a version of readlink_canon that deals with this. * I observe that the coding style is inconsistent about using test expressions using -a/-o and &&/||. There is a slight reason to prefer the latter, see: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2166 That's all. Looks like we can go ahead with this with minor changes. Helmut
Description: Bourne shell script