
On Sat, 2020-05-09 at 18:10:48 +1200, Darren Hale wrote:
> I have recently installed Debian Buster and found when invoking in
> terminal su and using dpkg-reconfigure tzdata and dpkg -i that there
> is error messages.

What error message? As is, this report does not really look

> I have read all the notes around Debian Buster and tried su - and
> other options and nothing works.  I request that the dpkg work as it
> did in Debian Stretch and previous be the default so that these
> important system functions are restored such as dpkg -i when using su.
> I have wasted a lot of time trying to fix this issue with no
> resolution.

My only guess, without more details, is that you might have stumbled
over behavior change in su after util-linux took it over from the
login package. See:

  $ zless /usr/share/doc/util-linux/NEWS.Debian.gz

If that's the case, then I'd recommend installing apt-listchanges so
that you can see these NEWS entries on upgrade, and also reading the
Release Notes before such distribution upgrade:


In any case this does not appear to be a problem with dpkg, as I'd
assume we'd have heard of such thing way earlier.


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