
based on some discussion on IRC I want to propose install

Recommends: foo <bar>
Suggests: foo <bar>

The syntax is the same as for build profiles, and it is
allowed in Recommends and Suggests fields only (maybe

dpkg changes needed:

- Introduce /var/lib/dpkg/profiles with one profile per
  line and commands to manage the list

    dpkg --add-profile <profile>
    dpkg --remove-profile <profile>
    dpkg --print-profiles

- Introduce apt commands:

    apt add-profile
    apt remove-profile

  These call the dpkg command and then install newly
  activated Recommends or remove Recommends no longer

Alternatively, dpkg doesn't need to care about which
profiles are active and apt manages the list.

Or one could invert the list and say we add profiles
we do not want. This might come in handy with profile
inheritance, where e.g. foo profile might imply bar
by default, but then you can request "foo !bar" for
your system.

Gentoo use flags have a default state, it seems
reasonable to follow the same approach, so you would


or something and the repository could declare default

This allows users to customize their systems and avoid
installing recommends they don't want.

debian developer - deb.li/jak | jak-linux.org - free software dev
ubuntu core developer                              i speak de, en

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