On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 15:19, Thomas Templin wrote:

> On Saturday 06 March 2004 23:01, Herman Robak wrote:
> > The EU council has circulated a "compromise" counter-proposal
> > Calling it a "compromise" is highly desceptive; it's
> > much worse than the original.  But they press on,
> FFII, http://www.ffii.org, People are planning to have some actions/events at 
> Bruxelles for this. There also will be a "Parlamentarischer Abend", some kind 
> of Informational event for german Potiticians of the Bundestag this 
> Wednesday. Holger Blasum, [EMAIL PROTECTED], and Hartmut 
> Pilch, [EMAIL PROTECTED], will be the right people to get in contact.
> There are also some guys of ATTAC Wissensalmende, a ATTAC group working on 
> property rights, who will be in Brüssel too.
> Sven Kromminga and me (Volunteers of FSF Europe in Germany) are in contact 
> with some people of the lower saxony greens and the lower saxony SPD (social 
> democratic party).

Mostly the left, the greens and the anti-globists?

This cause used to have a broader support than that, didn't it?
Where are the small companies?  There are _some_ right-wing
politicians who are opposed to this, right?

I'm glad the left, the greens and the anti-globalists are with
us on this, but I would like to see a pan-political opposition.
This case could fit almost any party's agenda, with the right
"spin" put to it.  Calling us "extremists" ought to be an absurd
lie.  Can we make it so?

 Herman Robak

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