On Thu, 22 Apr 2004, Maximilian Wilhelm wrote:

> Little comment to the situation last year:
>  We were around 3 or 4 people, including Kurt, Frank and me, who were on
>  the one hand presenting SL, at the debian booth, and on the other hand
>  were helping organizeing the LinuxTag. So there was no way to ensure,
>  that there is someone of us at the debian booth all the time.
>  This might - hopefully - change this year, as there are more people,
>  joining the force :-)
As I said: I'm not among the people criticising your behaviour.  I really
like your work but we have to fix this and the first step is to *contact*
the Debian booth team and *explain* *them* (not me) how you plan to care
for Debian-Edu / SkoleLinux.  There were rumors that SkoleLinux and Pingos
wanted to share a booth (at least *I* know, that this is not really true),
but if *you* do not fix those rumors at the relevant places (see the links
I posted) you will end up without a booth which will be a real shame.  So
please join the discussion at debian-events-eu immediately.

Kind regards


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